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Rexi History: Once Upon a Romance blog

For those of you, unaware, before I began writing my own stories in earnest, I ran a blog to which I posted my reviews, participated in blog hops, and promoted new releases and cover reveals, and anything else to help out authors in the romance community. It was my way of being involved in the writing community and I have to admit, having an author I reviewed "like" or "comment" on a post or tweet made my day every time! (Still does - I fangirl A LOT!)


Needless to say, life interfered (school, kid, moving,etc.) and my time to read for pleasure grew smaller and smaller. In my free time, I began writing rather than reading. I escaped into the world in my head instead of the ones on the pages. Writing my own stories became my release.

And then I published my first book! And suddenly I needed a way to market it. The original blog wasn't made for marketing. It was literally a simple Tumblr blog full of random posts and reviews. So I looked into new site options.

When I started this blog and site, I contemplated how to link the two. I still use my Tumblr page for following others and the occasional thunderclap promotions. And I definitely didn't want to scrap the work I had put into the site!

So my options were:

*delete that blog and be done with it

*move the posts to this blog (but they are 3 years old or more, so that seemed silly)

*or just keep it as is.

Needless to say, I'm keeping it where it is right now. I've added a link to this site, and I'll still use it on occasion to promote and follow as I've been doing. But for moving forward, this site will be my focus.

That being said, I did include a link to the original blog for those interested in where I started. Even though I rarely do reviews to this level anymore, I do still offer my thoughts on books I've read in a variety of places, including GoodReads, Amazon, B&N, Twitter, and word of mouth. In my personal opinion, there's nothing better than recommending a book to a friend. It's the highest compliment you can give an author. (Again, my opinion.)

This is mostly a rambling thought post. There's no endgame or goal or wise words of wisdom here. Just the thoughts of an everyday, average writer, who procrastinates the editing process whenever possible.

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